Why Despite Of World Leaders Knowing About It, Nothing Has Been Done

This can be learnt easily by taking a tree example. Trees have leaves, branches, Stem but the most important aspect is the root of the tree. But normally people would look at outside of the tree and not at the roots to identify the problem. Let’s take an example say Air pollution as a problem, what’s the root cause and what would be the solution? Now we can see various air purifier companies making product, will it solve the issue? Answer is no its just treating the symptoms and not the roots. Fundamentally we are eating the fruits of the seeds we have sowed and seriously impacting the overall ecological balance of the planet. UN Sustainable Development Goals break it down in categories but all of these are interrelated and trying to solve one SDG in Silo won’t lead to anywhere. Let’s try to understand with another example Human population is increasing on the planet (thanks to medical science advancement) now to feed these many people there are only handful of people who are growing food, who inturns using chemicals to increase the production that in turns start a new chemical industry, which in turns destroys soil health causing water pollution, getting chemical into the food chain. Starting health issues for which we start another industry Pharmaceuticals. It goes on and on in cycle multipying the problem. Whats’ the solution now if you look all of these individually you will have thousands of solution to treat symptoms. Root solution would be that we need to get aware, get skilled and understand our individual responsibility. Planet is a limited resource which has to be shared amoung all. Fundamentally in our day today activities we are not conscious of our mindless consumption and its impact on the planet and its other life forms e.g. when you use baby diapers it take 600 years to biodegrade, surprised??? Your daily actions and non awareness is the fuel that is creating these challenges and no one in media, schools, politicians are talking about it and how you can help.

Do You Know All SDG's