As the famous Simon Sinek TED Talk says “Start with why.." So why does YogaFire exist? To understand our Why you need to understand yours, as if your Why is different than ours then this is not the right platform for you.

"(Why) We Are Just Cells Of Planet Earth, (How) Who Are Trying To Empower Another Cell i.e. You(Any Normal Guy/Gal, Any Company, NGO or Government) , (What) Resulting In Cells That Can Enable and Empower Themselves and Their Kids And Work For The Future Generations Yet To Come In Their Community, Village, City, Country Or The World By Using Our Holistic Solution Pattern!"

Check out below video to understand more on our Why?

Our Values & Principles

Our 3 Core Values !

Value -1 We All Have One Global Identity i.e. We Are Just Cells Of Planet Earth Every One Of Us Can Be Many Things In Our Day Today Life. Our First Value Is That We Are Willing To Embrace A New Identity i.e. That We Are Just Cells Of Planet Earth. This Identity Is Not Based On What Your Parent Last Name Is, Which Religion You Belong To And What Society And Education Qualification You Have. Unless You See Something Common In Yourself And In An Insect, In A Tree, In A Beggar On The Street You Can't Be A Cell. Everyone Who Joins YogaFire Will Always Be A Cell First, Which Is A Reminder That You Are Just Another Species On This Planet, Whose Job Is To Work For WellBeing Of Planet.It Does Not Mean You Throw Away Rest Of Your Identities But Rather Add One More To It

Value-2 Commitment, Self Discipline & ConsistencyYou Need To Be Committed For Something Larger Than Just You. When I Say Larger You Are Willing To Devote Your Time, Energy And Resources For Planet And Its Species Wellbeing And That Cannot Happen If You Are Not Committed For It. Please Ask This Question To Yourself And Please See Unless You Are Committed For Anything In Your Life You Won't Do Anything About It Anyways. Next Thing Is That You Are Self Disciplined. This Is What Separate People Who Just Talk And People Who Get Things Done. So We Are Looking For Cells Who Walk Their Talk With Their Actions. Last But Most Important Is That You Are Consistent. This Is What Separate Great Cells From Average Cells. And This Is Our Motive To Help You Realise That You Are Capable Of Achieving Miracles Yourself, And This No One Can Teach You. You Have To Do The Work. And It Cannot Happen Unless You Learn The Importance Of Commitment And Self Discipline First.

Value 3 Quality Of Waiting Haste Make Waste, When We Say Quality Of Waiting It Does Not Mean Waiting In Terms Of Time But Rather As A Quality. This Cannot Happen Unless You Embrace Value-1 and Value-2 And Work On Them. This Is About Cultivating A Quality Of Thinking Long Term, Instead Of Focussing On Short Term Goals And Quick Fixes. Though These Are Needed, But It Should Be Used As A Last Resort. So You Need To Learn To Wait. Please See Everthing In Existence Happen Slowly But With Perfection. Even You Are Formed In 9 Months In Your Mother Womb. Mother Nature Did Not Push It To Do It In 1 Month, Even Though She Is Far More Capable Than You, Just Look Around The Planet Number Of Species Humans Have Destroyed, We Are Not Even Capable Of Re-Engineer Single One Of Them. So We Better Walk Gently On This Planet With A Reminder That We Are Not The Most Smartest Thing On This Planet, And This Cannot Happen If You Are Full Of Yourself

Our 5 Guiding Principles !

Principle-1 The biggest blocker or what has entered in people mind is that to fix anything you need money.As A Principle We Don't Start With Donations As First Approach To Solve Problems. We Expect You To Try From Your End By Using Our Common Solution Pattern. Our Focus Is Empowering You As An Individual Cell. We Are Enabling You With Technology, Tools, Skills, Framework. So That You Can Take Care Of The World Problems And Sort Out Your Own Survival Too In That Process. You Have To Do The Work, Yes You Heard It Right! If You Believe God Will Fix It For You, This Is Not The Right Platform For You

Principle-2 If You Want To Do Good For Others. This Is Not A Platform For You. Yes You Heard It Right!(When You Say You Are Doing Good, It Only Means That What You Are Doing Is Right And What Everyone Else Are Doing Is Wrong! So You Are Good Only In Comparison To Others. It Simply Means You Are Not A Cell. A Cell Never Like Or Dislike Another Cell, It Just Accept It As Another Cell. Humanity For 1000 Of Years In The Name Of Good Has Done Most Horrendous Things On This Planet. So We Don't Support Any GOOD Or BAD Person On Our Platform. Both Are Same, Proving Each Other Right And Wrong. Please See All World Problems, Don't You Think Its Just Good Vs Bad? So You Need To Evolve Beyond Your Likes And Dislikes And Change Your Definition Of Good And Bad By Accepting Everyone As Yourself, Especially If You Hate Someone You Should Be Willing To Work With Him Too)

Principle-3 If You Want A Quick Fix, Some Magic Bullet , Hope , You Believe Or DisBelieve In God (Yeah The Truth Is That You Don't Know, So At Least Be 100% Straight With YourSelf), You Believe In Fairy Tales. This is not a platform for You!(Nothing In Existence Happens With A Bang, A Bamboo Tree Takes 20 Years To Grow, Just Remember That, Only Thing You Can Do Is Water The Bamboo And Wait. So You Need To Learn How To Wait! If You Think You Are More Important Than 200 Species That Are Getting Extinct Each Day, You Are On Wrong Platform!)

Principle-4 Join Us Only If You Think Yourself Just As A Cell.
(Key Criteria Is That You Are Willing To Do Self Work. Most People Think Someone Or Something Need To Be Fixed For Things To Work. But We Think Once We As A Cell Are Fixed, Everything Is Automatically Fixed. Like If You Commit Not To Use And Buy Single Use Plastic Items And Ask 10 Others To Do The Same, Don't You Think It's Much Better Outcome Than Doing Recycling? So Let's Not Try To Fix Someone, First Start With Ourself.


Principle-5 We Are Not Fixing The Planet
We Think Planet Don't Need Our Help. Please See If all Humans Just Leave Planet Earth, Don't You Think Earth Will Be Just Fine? So We Need To Fix Ourselves Not Someone Else. Planet Earth Don't Need Our Saving, It's Here For More Than A Million Years And Has Survived. So Instead Of Saving The Planet And Fighting Each Other, We Might Need To Become A More Collaborative And Conscious Cell!