Solution Step-1

Get Aware

The first challenge is a lack of awareness about currents state issues and media, politicians, and business people not sharing the ground reality. Most people when they consume stuff are not aware of how that impact the planet. e.g. Baby Diapers take 600 years to biodegrade. So first thing is understand the root of the problem checkout "Simply A Cell" On Amazon Kindle to understand the challenges our generation face today

Solution Step-2

Learn The Right Skills & Tools

Today University and Colleges and Education system is 150 years old and was designed to make people into factory employees. The challenge is that we no longer have people getting trained on skills needed for tackling the issues we face as a generation. Its been outsourced to Industry, Capitalist and Governments which are unable to focus on these issues. Blaming others for our mistakes does not solve the problem.Its need a new Education model. At YogaFire we are committed to open sourcing as much free Video courses on life Skills. e.g. How to Design Almost Anything, Permaculture, How To Build Sustainable Human Habitat and lot of other courses e.g. Artificial Intelligence & Software Skills absolutely free. We will show you how to build and solve actual problems.Check out our courses and contribute.

Solution Step-3

Build Online & Offline Community

There are so many solutions in the world from Facebook to Whatsapp to various web sites and local solutions but no single holistic solution available to bring people on the same platform and discuss world problems. Right now it's been segregated in various software solutions. We at YogaFire are building the next-generation community platform that is focussed on UN SDGs and solving them holistically and provide free online tools to the community which will be free of cost. So it will be a central repository for all solutions across the planet. We also opening free Fab Lab for people who want to work on UN SDG without any fees

Target Outcome

World First Sustainable Cell Network

The biggest blocker or what has entered in people's minds is that to fix anything you need money. That's not true, but its a lie that has entered in people's minds. We are the most evolved species on the planet. We are building a cell-based circular economy model that generates money and help build a sustainable community. This is how our own Body Cells work. We have named it the Cell Network where each cell is willing to work for another cell wellbeing. If we are conscious we would realize this is very true with our own bodies but not been implemented in the world. We are working on building our first Cell Network to create a sustainable economy powered by digital technology. This is based on the concept of Giving and not on taking as the Capitalist will tell you